Meta Vasipari Kft.

General contractual conditions

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter "GTC") apply to. META Vasipari Kft. (Hereinafter: Customer, Client) with META Vasipari Kft. (Hereinafter: Supplier or Service provider), either by using the services offered on its website (, or by entering into a contractual relationship through a written contract with Supplier.

1. Data of the Supplier:

Company name: META Vasipari Kft.
Registered office: 5516 Körösladány, Híd tér 1.,
Postal address: 5516 Körösladány, Híd tér 1.,
Bank account managed by: K&H Bank Zrt. Szeghalom
Bank account number: 10402661-26610434-00000000
Tax number: 11833213-2-04
Company email address
Company website:
Phone number: +36 (66) 474-018, +36 (66) 522-941 +36 (66) 522-941
Fax: Commerce: +36 (66) 474-800
Administration: +36 (66) 474-718
Company registry number: 04-09-004605
Registering court as a Court of Registry: Gyula Court of Registry, 5700 Gyula, Pf. 102.

2. The procedure for requesting a quote

2.1 Selection from the product catalogue

You can browse our products by clicking on Products under the Main menu. After entering the quantity (pcs) on the individual product page, you can add the product to your request for a quote. The quantity of the selected product will be displayed next to the Request a Quote icon in the Main menu. When you finish selecting your products, you can move on to provide further details by clicking on Next from the Request a Quote icon at the top of the page.

You need to enter all the required data here (family name, given name, email address, postal address, phone number) to help us identify who the requester is. Please indicate in the form if the requested delivery address is different from the address entered above, and provide all the required data for the actual delivery address. You can still modify the quantity of the selected products, or remove products from the list. You can also write a note in the field provided. Entering your data does not qualify as registration, as the data are stored solely for the purpose of that specific quote. 

Customer can forward their request for a quote electronically to Supplier only if they read and accept our General Terms and Conditions, as well as our Privacy Statement. By checking the box, Customer declares that they have read and agreed to the conditions included in the GTC and Privacy Statement published on the website, and accept the data handling described in the Privacy Statement.
Supplier shall not be responsible for any delay in transportation, or problems or issues that may arise from inaccurate or false data provided by Customer. Supplier handles each request for a quote as an independent legal entity. Supplier shall assume no responsibility for any damage or issue arising from the modification of the registered data by Customer.
Supplier shall give a quote upon the request regarding the specified product(s) within 5 workdays after the receipt of the request. If this deadline cannot be kept, Supplier will initiate a discussion with Customer regarding the deadline. The price shown next to the selected product does not include value added tax (VAT) or any other tax burdens. The purchase price of the products is exclusive of the cost of delivery. The product price is shown in Hungarian Forints (HUF).

2.2 Through a text message from the website

Several pages of our site offer the feature of sending a text message to Supplier. The message has to include the sender’s name, email address, the subject of the message and the message text itself. An identification code has to be entered, too, which will be displayed in the image next to the field for entering it.

2.3 Via email

The Customer can send a request for a quote from their own mailing system to the Supplier’s email address.

2.3 Purchase order

If Customer accepts the quote sent by Supplier, they send a written purchase order for the products to Supplier.

Within 5 workdays after the receipt of Customer’s written confirmation of the acceptance of the quote, that is, the order, Supplier shall, in an electronic way, send the confirmation of the order to Customer. Customer may send their order to Supplier via fax, to the fax number provided in section 1. The purchase order does not qualify as an electronic contract!
Customer shall return one signed copy of the Delivery contract to Supplier by post or email, within 5 workdays following its receipt.

3. Delivery, handover/acceptance

Delivery of the product ordered shall take place on the basis of the confirmation of the Order, by the delivery deadline specified thereof; or at another date and time agreed upon by Customer in an oral or written way. The delivery method is always what is specified on the confirmation of the order. You can deviate from this if there is a different oral or written agreement between Customer and Supplier.

4. Quality objections

Customer shall inform Supplier, in writing, about any quality issues immediately after the handover of the product, specifying their warranty claim. If they fail to do so, no further liability claims are accepted with reference to packaging or delivery. Quality handover is based on the certificate of quality. Packaged products shall be accepted in the presence of Supplier or carrier.

 5. Payment terms, ownership

Customer shall pay the purchase price of the product according to the payment terms detailed in the confirmation of the Order, on the basis of Supplier’s invoice via bank transfer or in cash. Supplier reserves the right of ownership of the products until the full purchase price and other expenses (e.g. delivery cost when calculated separately) are paid.

6. Guarantee obligation

In accordance with the Civil Code and Government Decree 151/2003, concerning products specified in Government Decree 151/2003, and if criteria specified thereof prevail, Supplier is subject to a guarantee obligation, which means that during the guarantee period, Supplier may only be exempt from their liability if they prove that the defect is caused by the improper use of the product.
The beginning of the duration of the guarantee (the guarantee period) is the actual date of delivery, that is, handover of the product to Customer, or the deployment of the product.
Durable consumer goods are the products listed in the Annex to Government Decree 151/2003 (IX.22.) on the mandatory warranty period for certain durable consumer goods, for which the law provides the following mandatory warranty period:

Duration of the guarantee:

a) one year for a sale price of HUF 10 000 but less than HUF 100 000,

b) two years for a sale price exceeding HUF 100 000 but not exceeding HUF 250 000,

c) Three years above the sale price of HUF 250 000

the starting date of which is the date of delivery of the product to the Consumer. The (subject) scope of the Regulation applies only to products sold under a new consumer contract concluded in Hungary and listed in the Annex to the Regulation.

7. Supervising authorities

Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (privacy matters)
1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.
Postal address: 1530 Budapest, Pf. 5.
Phone number.: +36-1-391-1400
Fax: +36-1-391-1410

Hungarian National Authority for Consumer Protection (matters of consumer protection)
Address: 1088 Budapest, József krt. 6.
Postal address: 1428 Budapest, Pf. 20.
Central phone number: +36-1-459-4800
Fax number: +36-1-210-4677

8. Liability

Information on the website is presented in good faith, but it solely serves informative purposes, and Supplier assumes no responsibility for its accuracy and completeness.
Client (Customer) may use the website exclusively at their own risk, and they agree that Supplier will not assume any liability for any material or non-material damages that may incur during the use of the product, beyond a liability for breach of contract harming people’s lives, health, or causing a physical injury attributable to wilful act, gross negligence or crime.
Supplier disclaims all responsibility for the conduct of the website users. Client (Customer) is fully responsible for their conduct, and Supplier shall cooperate in all respects with the acting authorities in discovering any violations of law.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

The website is subject to intellectual property rights. Supplier shall be authorized to have or to use all content displayed on the website or made available through the website when providing their services, including any authorial work or any other intellectual creation (among others: all graphics and other materials, layout and editing of the website, the software used, and any other solutions, ideas and implementations).
Printing of or saving the content of the website or any parts of it on a different medium for private use is only allowed when written permission was previously granted by Supplier. Any use of it beyond private purposes – such as storing it in databases, forwarding it, making it available for publishing or downloading, commercial release of it – is allowed only when written permission was previously granted by Supplier.
Other than what is explicitly specified in the GTC, the use of the website, or any of the provisions of the GTC shall not grant Client (Customer) any rights to use or utilize any commercial name or trademark displayed on the website. Without the prior written permission by Supplier, these pieces of intellectual property cannot be used or utilized in any other form than displaying them as part of the intended use of the website or the associated provisional multiplication and creation of copies for private purposes.

10. Other rules and information

Supplier is entitled to modify the provisions of the current GTC unilaterally any time.

Körösladány, 2023. január 1.
META Vasipari Kft.
5516 Körösladány, Híd tér 1.

