Custom workstation 200 mm weidth
From 472.600 Ft
Our prices are net prices, VAT is not included!
Type: Custom workstation 200 mm weidth
Please specify the colour you require when sending your quote. Choose from the classic RAL colours: Details
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Product details:
- 40 x 40 x 2 mm locking section frame with plastic foot plugs at the end of the legs
- Bench top 30 mm thick plywood (beech)
- Bench top height 860 mm
- At the back, a perforated wall 1000 mm high between the locking sections
- Floor frame and perforated wall with electrostatically powder-coated surface
- Seated version
- 1-1 bench cabinet PF-3 on each side of the workstation
Available for free:
- Drawer colour(s):
RAL 1015 Light ivory color
RAL 5015 Sky blue
RAL 6033 Mint turquoise
RAL 1003 Signal yellow
RAL 3020 Traffic red
- Drawer colour(s):
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Additional information
Méretek | N/A |
Your free choice of colours (for drawers) | RAL 7035 Világosszürke, RAL 5015 Égkék, RAL 3020 Közlekedési piros, RAL 6033 Mentatürkiz, RAL 1015 Világos elefántcsont, RAL 1003 Szignál sárga |